Wednesday, March 19, 2008

reflections on public candor

One of the cardinal rules of blogging is to be consistent. Going a week between posts probably doesn't qualify.

I will warn you that the following post will primarily be personal reflection on the nature of blogging -- so if it that doesn't strike you as interesting, feel free to move along. :)

I know exactly why I didn't post before now. I knew when I started this blog that any attempt to write publicly about Greater Goods was going to be a challenge for me -- I guess that I didn't expect to run into obstacles quite so immediately.

By nature I am a very open person, prone to candor about myself and my inner workings very easily. As I mentioned earlier, I've kept an on-line journal for years -- though I have limited its access to a reasonably small circle of [2 dozen or so] trusted confidantes. [I told you I was open by nature.] And, to some degree, the only reason I am not generally even more open about my journaling [many, many people blog more publicly about their personal life than I have, to be sure] was because I felt so much of what I write about is not mine to discuss publicly. Things about my children, for example.

This blog represents an interesting dilemma for me. On one hand, I am trying to build a successful business. And that requires a certain amount of "marketing" and "salesmanship" and "promotion." Especially as I am in need of customers, investment, resources, support, networking, positive "buzz," etc. If Greater Goods is to stay open and viable, I need to attract more of all of those things. And, obviously, people want to support something -- and someone -- that they think is going to be successful. Someone that inspires confidence.

So what do I do about the inevitable times when I feel dispirited? When I feel a bit pessimistic about or daunted by this venture? [As everyone does about anything at some point, I imagine.] What do I do when I disappoint myself? How candid and transparent and open am I willing to be with the world about my efforts to build this business? And if I am candid about what is difficult, will that negatively impact what I am trying to achieve. Will it become "bad" buzz?

Maybe. Maybe some people will use my self-reflection and candor as evidence that this business will not be successful. Maybe I am breaking all kinds of marketing rules and conventional wisdom about growing a successful business. But, maybe, I am willing to take that risk. Maybe I just want to be able to be honest about what we are trying to do and how we are doing. And even the mistakes I make. Because, when it comes down to it, I am very proud of what Michal and I have achieved so far. I am very proud of the products we've chosen to sell and I am proud of the way we have chosen to interact with the community and our customers. And I'm proud of the vision behind it. So maybe I should trust that those things will speak for themselves -- to the good. And if I choose to peel back the curtain to give people a glimpse behind it -- in all its messiness -- that won't undercut the rest.

Here's hoping, anyway ...

1 comment:

Paint your World said...

Ayala, your shop is wonderful. You and Michal should be very proud. The buzz is good and for those of us that are in the know of Greater Goods we will spread the buzz. Our little town is cheering for you : > )
p.s. I just found you thru Kristen's site and am glad I did. All the best : > )