Monday, March 31, 2008
In fact, I am about to dive right in
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I am not a professional photographer...
[And may I just take a second to interject how much I *adore* Google. Once again, as a very small business owner, the range of free[!] applications and services and tools and just plain fun and neato things that Google makes available to the public is just amazing. And did I mention they were all free?]
Okay ... so I still have mucho to do and it's already 7:00 and I am *so* not ready for the Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet tomorrow afternoon [as a mom of a "Bear" cub, I am volunteering for set-up and as a local business owner I also need to prepare my donation for the silent auction.] So, it's back to work for me...
edited to add:
You can see the fruits of some of my labor tonight, to the right...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Just a Quick Note ...
This week has been nutty busy, personally. And will continue to be so. My husband sprained his ankle [severely] last Friday -- so I have had to do all the driving, schlepping, hauling, carrying, that he usually shares with me. And this week is the start of Little League -- which both our soon-to-be-five year old daughter and our 8 year old son are participating in. Between the 2 of them, that's 5 different practices I needed to get them to this week!
Tuesday night we finally managed to host the Purcellville Mom's Club for their monthly, "Mom's Night Out." There were 6 of us and I think everyone had a good time. We had wine and cheese and grapes and sweets; chatted and laughed; watched a short video on "Fair Trade" and then a brief discussion about Greater Goods and our mission. And then the ladies got to shop with 10% off. The sales that night were a great boost to us this month -- March was not shaping up so well. So it was profitable as well as fun!
Well, Karen is here for the evening shift and I am off to Little League practice!
Until next time...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
World Water Day
Instead of freshly-scribed inspiring prose from me, I give you some key excerpts from a World Water Day website:
Evidently, each year there is a theme for World Water Day. This year's theme is "Sanitation" which means exactly what you fear. Not the sexiest of topics for a blog post, I know. But the reality is the lack of adequate sanitation facilities is a huge contributor to death and disease in impoverished countries. And contributes to environmental degradation.World Water Day is an international day of observance and action to draw attention to the plight of the more than 1 billion people world wide that lack access to clean, safe drinking water. Celebrated since 1993, World Water Day was designated in 1992 when the United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed a resolution. With each passing year, the observance has grown larger and stronger.
The world water crisis is one of the largest public health issues of our time. Nearly 1.1 billion people (roughly 20% of the world’s population) lack access to safe drinking water. The lack of clean, safe drinking water is estimated to kill almost 4,500 children per day. In fact, out of the 2.2 million unsafe drinking water deaths in 2004, 90% were children under the age of five.
Many women and young girls in rural areas in Sub-Saharan African and other parts of the world must trek as much as six miles everyday to retrieve water for their families. Due to this manual labor, such women and children are prevented from pursuing an education, maintaining their households or earning additional income.
If helping ensure access to safe, clean water to families around the world is something you'd like to be part of, the non-profit, Water for People seems to a highly-regarded and reputable organization. On their home page, they also have several short videos clearly illustrating the problem and the solutions.
Finally, this opinion piece in the Denver Post is a good summary of the issues.
ETA: I liked this article from The Christian Science Monitor as well.
Doing a "Happy Dance!"
Woo hoo!
As I work am working on the website, I see that this blog has the potential to be an integral part of Greater Goods' on-line presence. While I hope to update the website at least 2 or 3 times a month with key events and news, it makes more sense to keep the blog for more frequent discussion of related topics. At some point I hope to attempt a redesign of the blog so that from a design perspective there is more of a kinship between the 2 sites...
And then someday -- on-line shopping at Greater Goods!
One step at a time ...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Reduce, Idea #1
I am sorry, Evian and San Pellegrino and Dasani and all the other bottled waters out there—Aqua Velva, Wells Fargo, Muddy Waters, Joan Rivers, Jerry Springer, whatever—but the current campaign against paying good money for bottled water when tap water is perfectly good (and very likely purer) is so sensible on the face of it that I am now done with you.
Fini. Kaput. Ausgeschlossen. No more designer water. Water is water If you want lemon flavoring, add a slice of lemon. You want bubbles, stick a straw in it and blow.
—Garrison Keillor in a Sept. 29, 2007 in the Salt Lake Tribune

Photo credit: Dan DeLuca via Creative Commons
Over the last 6 months I have read more and more about how the manufacture and consumption of bottled water has a huge negative environmental impact. It just makes sense the moment you start to think about it. Plastic is generally a petroleum product -- a non-renewable resource that is getting more and more expensive [Gas at $3.29/gallon!]. The manufacture of the bottles and then the shipping of them consumes even more fossil fuels. And then the waste product. Although the plastic bottles are recyclable -- only a small percentage of them actually are. The vast majority end up sitting in landfills -- and sitting and sitting and sitting -- because plastic does not decompose. [At least not for thousands of years...]
So the alternative? Water filters and reusable water bottles. Both in plentiful supply and available in many, many varieties from many retail locations -- in person and on-line. But not yet at Greater Goods.
Why not? That's a perfectly reasonble question. Because beautiful beaded earrings from Nepal and colorful market baskets from Ghana are paying the rent right now. Rest assured, friends, it is my intention to carry more mundane but very important utilitarian goods like water filters and reuseable water bottles and rechargeable batteries ... But until then, I think it's important -- and well within our mission -- to spread the word about what we can all do today to make a difference.
"Bottle Water, No Longer Cool?" Fortune Magazine, 04/07
"Take Back the Tap" A Report by Food and Water Watch
And, because there are legitimate concerns in some US cities about the quality and safety of tap water in some US cities, we should educate ourselves about that as well:
Tap Water Quality and Safety from the National Resource Defense Council
I will try to do more research about water safety and what we can do in Loudoun County to ensure we are making the smartest drinking water choices -- for people and planet.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
reflections on public candor
I will warn you that the following post will primarily be personal reflection on the nature of blogging -- so if it that doesn't strike you as interesting, feel free to move along. :)
I know exactly why I didn't post before now. I knew when I started this blog that any attempt to write publicly about Greater Goods was going to be a challenge for me -- I guess that I didn't expect to run into obstacles quite so immediately.
By nature I am a very open person, prone to candor about myself and my inner workings very easily. As I mentioned earlier, I've kept an on-line journal for years -- though I have limited its access to a reasonably small circle of [2 dozen or so] trusted confidantes. [I told you I was open by nature.] And, to some degree, the only reason I am not generally even more open about my journaling [many, many people blog more publicly about their personal life than I have, to be sure] was because I felt so much of what I write about is not mine to discuss publicly. Things about my children, for example.
This blog represents an interesting dilemma for me. On one hand, I am trying to build a successful business. And that requires a certain amount of "marketing" and "salesmanship" and "promotion." Especially as I am in need of customers, investment, resources, support, networking, positive "buzz," etc. If Greater Goods is to stay open and viable, I need to attract more of all of those things. And, obviously, people want to support something -- and someone -- that they think is going to be successful. Someone that inspires confidence.
So what do I do about the inevitable times when I feel dispirited? When I feel a bit pessimistic about or daunted by this venture? [As everyone does about anything at some point, I imagine.] What do I do when I disappoint myself? How candid and transparent and open am I willing to be with the world about my efforts to build this business? And if I am candid about what is difficult, will that negatively impact what I am trying to achieve. Will it become "bad" buzz?
Maybe. Maybe some people will use my self-reflection and candor as evidence that this business will not be successful. Maybe I am breaking all kinds of marketing rules and conventional wisdom about growing a successful business. But, maybe, I am willing to take that risk. Maybe I just want to be able to be honest about what we are trying to do and how we are doing. And even the mistakes I make. Because, when it comes down to it, I am very proud of what Michal and I have achieved so far. I am very proud of the products we've chosen to sell and I am proud of the way we have chosen to interact with the community and our customers. And I'm proud of the vision behind it. So maybe I should trust that those things will speak for themselves -- to the good. And if I choose to peel back the curtain to give people a glimpse behind it -- in all its messiness -- that won't undercut the rest.
Here's hoping, anyway ...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spotlight on ...
This is the brand of coffee we have chosen to carry at Greater Goods. In researching possible film clips to share at the Mom's Club Mom's Night Out tomorrow, I came across this video about Peace Coffee. Watching it made me even happier that we were stocking coffee from such a great company.
It's about 6 minutes long, and is a great little behind-the-scenes look at what it means to be a socially responsible company.
This week's goals, revisited.
So, I thought I would take a peek at what I said I wanted to get done this week. I did get the e-mail out to local folks, spreading the word about the seed sale and store-wide sale. I still haven't designed or produced any fliers. And I did zilch in terms of bookkeeping. Well, not exactly zilch. I did contact Dee and we have a meeting scheduled for Monday night. In any case, it's clear what I should be spending my time on this evening at the store and tomorrow during the day while I am here.
Okay then ... I'm off to design a new flier!
Purcellville Mom's Club - MNO
The idea for the MNO at Greater Goods would be: hang out with other members in a relaxing setting. I would provide munchies and music. And we would do some informal education on either the benefits of natural bath and body products or fair trade shopping -- or both. Whatever people were interested in. And -- while there would be absolutely NO pressure to shop at all -- if folks wanted to buy something, we were offering 10% that evening.
Right now we are scheduled for Thursday [tomorrow] March 13th from 7:30 to 9:30.
I have posted a poll for Mom's Club members so we can decided what to do. See the poll on the right -- about half way down. Please let me know what you think!
Also, feel free to add a comment to this post to share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions.
Monday, March 10, 2008
What a fun morning!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Sat afternoon ...
My goal this evening: Send an e-mail out to local friends letting them know about this blog, the sale, and the opportunity to pre-order seeds at a discount.
Other near term goals for this week:
- Put together a small flier and distribute at other local businesses. It's silly for me not to try to court the folks that do run errands in town. I am certain that many customers at Beauty on Broadway and the Talk of the Town still don't know about Greater Goods, right around the corner. [In the midst of writing this I had a lovely conversation with a woman who was staying at the B&B up the street. I really need to get fliers up there too!]
- Finish reviewing the bank and credit card statements from 2007 so when I meet with Dee [my wonderful new bookkeeper, referred to me by the great women-owners of The Book Crossing] I have more to give her.
As a side note, the last couple of sales I've made today and yesterday all included merchadise that we just ordered and received this week. It's so gratifying when people end up liking what we choose.
Also, I think I get even more pleasure out of selling a $5.00 wooden bangle bracelet, or a $12 beaded necklace than a $50 piece of art. When someone buys a lower-ticket item from me, it means they didn't spend that money at Target or Wal-Mart or TJ Maxx. I certainly don't mean to besmirch those retailers -- I shop at them myself. It's just that the bracelet or necklace in my shop was crafted by an artisan in an impoverished community who got paid a fair wage for their work. So you know that your little impulse purchase is really putting your dollars to the best use. It's not like Target -- or the manufacturers of mass produced goodies -- necessarily need another $10.
Okay -- off to send some e-mails...
later luvies...
Friday, March 7, 2008
It's 5:00 o'clock on Friday ...
Pre-Order your Seeds for 20% Off
We discovered the seed company, Botanical Interests, last spring. Even though we didn't open the store until April 22, last year, we still wanted to carry some seeds. We've been impressed with the quality of the seeds [Karen grew the most fabulous sunflowers last year from them.] And the packaging of the seeds is gorgeous and extremely informative."Pre-order seeds for your garden before March 20th and save 20%! We will be placing our order with Botanical Interests on March 21st. Pre-order at least $15 worth of seeds and get 20% off. Send an e-mail to and we will send you the seed catalogue. Or drop by the store and place your order in person!"
So when it came time to stock seeds for this year, I thought I would offer an incentive to folks to order early. It's a win-win for customers and the store. Greater Goods get some [much needed] income from the sales of the seeds before we have to pay for them -- and customers get to save money! Yay!
Now, we just have to spread the word so that people can place their orders!
rain, rain ...
So. Michal still doesn't know about the blog. I will see her tomorrow [she works the first part of the day; I work the later] and I will fill her in then.
I hope to get some e-mails out tonight letting local folks know about our spring sale and the garden seed pre-order special.
Hmmm.... Maybe I should post that info here as well?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
If it was a snake ...
And, I have waiting [not so patiently] for the launch of the Greater Goods website... And, I have been looking for more ways to create community around and build excitement around the store ... So, voila! Instant blog as store-owner.
The purpose of this blog will be to ... [bear with me a moment, I am making this up as we go along] ... is to ... hmmm ... is to share the personal experience of being a socially-responsible entrepreneur! Hah! That sounds swell. What I mean is, this will be the "behind the scenes" look at our retail venture, Greater Goods. What are we thinking about, struggling with, experimenting with? How are we juggling mamahood and entrepreneurship? How are we doing at creating a business that reflects our values?
Hmmm ... who is this "we" woman? Brainstorm! This shall be a cooperative blog! Henceforth, my business partner and first cousin, Michal, will also be posting here! [I just have to let her know that too...]
Oh! I think this will develop into something fun and interesting.
Stay tuned...