Wednesday, April 9, 2008

13 days and counting ...

Well, Earth Day is April 22. And it is also the one year anniversary of the opening of Greater Goods. If I had more time and more money, I would have loved to really "do it up" -- host some special events, invest in advertising, hire some musicians. Alas resources are still thin. So, we will do the best we can in our own impromptu, bootstrapping way...

What I hope to do here on the blog is a series of posts to help everyone commemorate Earth Day in their own way. The best they can.

I will launch it by pointing folks to a fairly comprehensive site courtesy of the Sierra Club [of which I am a member.] In honor of Earth Day they have launched a clever website "We Can Do It" filled with practical ways to conserve resources. I say it's clever, because they've crafted it to appeal to a wider range of folks than the stereotypical "treehugger." The emphasis is on strengthening the US economy -- and you can't argue with the relevance of that right now.

From the site:

We Can Create a Clean Energy Economy with Good Jobs Now — and Save Money!

Investing in renewables and efficiency will transform our economy and free America from our dependence on foreign oil and big oil companies. It will also creates job here at home, save families and businesses money, and combat
global warming.

We can do it. We have the necessary technical skills and ingenuity. Now we need to commit -- to fix our economy and our planet.

Give it a look-see. And if in your quest to tread more lightly and use fewer resources you'd like to pick up some green cleaning products, recycled paper products, or convenient and colorful reusable shopping bags -- drop by Greater Goods. We can hook you up.

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