Sunday, August 10, 2008

Visionary Investment Partner Program Details ...

Okay, so I had the idea. And after much wrestling with it, we finalized exactly what the benefits to VIPS would be ... I was more than a bit intimidated, however, by the prospect of systematizing it and describing it accurately enough that someone could actually participate. Now, after several days of research, writing, and revision, I have produced an official VIP Membership Program Agreement, and a brochure. Yay me! [And thanks to a certain national retailer whose website includes the full text of their paid membership "loyalty" program agreement.]

As difficult as it is when I do force myself to write about Greater Goods, I am usually pleased with the result. And, I end up re-inspired. I've found that writing about the business [whether for the blog, website, an ad, press release or brochure] forwards an important and on-going process of clarifying my mission and goals. And from everything I read about innovative and [eventually] successful businesses, they consistently review and evaluate how they definte themselves, their purpose, and their vision. I find this process useful to remind myself why I am doing this [I'm certainly not taking a salary], and to make sure that the reality of Greater Goods does not diverge from the vision.

From the [recently written] VIP Program brochure:
What is Greater Goods' mission, anyway?
Greater Goods is a “green” general store and “fair trade” art & craft gallery. We strive to be a globally-minded retail business that is deeply rooted in our local community. Our mission is to provide our customers with high quality merchandise that is ethically sourced and good for people and the planet. We hope that by doing so we contribute to a vibrant local community and a sustainable world for us all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great business. Supporting local arts is so important to inspiring the youth in the community.

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